The footsteps of the Shinjin Medics
We’re still moving forward today for human health.
We will take the lead in realizing human health and happiness with in vitro diagnostic technology.
- July
TKC-ACTH-RIACT (Endocrine Hormones and Peptides Test Reagents),
TKC-PTH-RIACT (Bone Components Metabolism Test Reagents),
TKC-ESTR-RIACT (Blood Pregnant Birth Hormones and Proteins Test Reagents) - June
Acquired the certification of KGMP
(Reg. No KCL-CBBA-14440)
- October
Laboratory develops RIAKEY 25 OH Vitamin D3 RIA Tube (MFDS Reg. No 21-4886)
- August
Laboratory develops DIAKEY Dengue combo NS1&IgM/IgG Rapid Test (MFDS Reg. No 21-672)
- July
Acquired the certification of EN ISO 13485:2016
(Q5 050097 0020) (NB:TÜV SÜD) - February
Laboratory develops RIAKEY Thyroglobulin IRMA TubeII (MFDS Reg. No 21-4127)
- December
Laboratory develops RIAKEY Total 25OH Vitamin D RIA Tube (MFDS Reg. No 20-5162)
Acquired the E.A.R certificate (KS 0478-2020)
(NB: Obelis S.A)Acquired the certificate of IVD notification (KS 0477-2020) (NB: Obelis S.A)
- November
Laboratory develops DIAKEY COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test
(MFDS Reg. No 20-942) - May
Laboratory develops DIAKEY COVID-19 IgM/IgG Rapid Test (MFDS Reg. No 20-383)
Laboratory develops DIAKEY REALcheck COVID-19(nCOV) Detection Kit (MFDS Reg. No 20-406)
- March
Laboratory develops DIAKEY REALcheck Viral DNA, RNA Prep Kit (MFDS Reg. No. 20-455)
- January
CE evaluation (PSA) (V1 050097 0019) (NB:TÜV SÜD)
- December
Laboratory develops MASSIA R4200 (MFDS Reg. No 18-5081)
- September
Laboratory develops RIAKEY Anti GAD IRMA (MFDS Reg. No 18-4722)
- July
Laboratory develops RIAKEY Intact PTH IRMA Tube (MFDS Reg. No 18-4584)
- April
Renewal review: ISO13485: 2012 → ISO 13485: 2016
Laboratory develops RIAKEY IGFBP-3 IRMA Tube II (MFDS Reg. No 18-4274)
- January
RIAKEY hGH Obtain medical device certification
- February
Laboratory develops E2600 (KFDA Reg. No 17-303)
- January
Laboratory develops RIAKEY Total IgE IRMA Tube II (KFDA Reg. No 17-44)
- December
Laboratory develops E2600
- October
RIAKEY Aldosterone, Anti-TPO, hGH, IGF-1, IGF-BP3, Testosterone, Tg Ab, TR Ab, UBC Obtain medical device permission
- April
GMP renewal
- February
DIAKEY Ferritin, FSH Development and Medical Device Authorization
- October
The company acquired CFDA (China Food and Drug Administration) registration.
- September
Laboratory develops MASSIA
- April
GMP renewal
- February
Expansion of diagnostic reagent production plant
- March
Our web site renewal.
- July
Declared VISION 2020
- March
Selected as support for export capacity enhancement projects hosted by Gyeonggi-do Ministry of SMe.
E-Frontier Company selected by Gyeonggi Small and Medium Business Support Center
- January
Laboratory develops DREAM GAMMA HEs
- October
Dream Gamma 10 (MESSIAH Gamma Counter) Acquisition of domestic item permission for gamma counter
- January
The diagnostic reagent manufacturing factory was expended.
- October
The diagnostic instrument development laboratory achieved development of Gamma counter.
- February
SHINJIN Medics establishes diagnostic instrument development laboratory.
- May
The laboratory developed DIAKEY H.Pylori for ELISA.
- February
RIAKEY HBeAg/Ab, Anti-HBcIgM RIA were developed.
- January
The company acquired CE Mark.
- April
Laboratory develops RIAKEY Anti-HBc RIA.
- May
The company is certified as a qualified corporation in accordance with KGSP (Korea Good Supplying Practice) by MFDS (Ministry of Food & Drug Safety, Republic of Korea).
- December
DIAKEY HBsAg, Anti-HBs, Anti-HCV 3.0, Anti-HIV1/2 Kit development
- November
사업소 이전(경기 고양 일산구 백석동 1141-1 일산테크노타운B504)
- July
RIAKEY FSH, LH, Prolactin, CEA, TSH Factory
- January
SHINJIN Medics Inc, receives approval for ISO 9001(International Standardization Organization 9001) by the BS (British Standards Institution) of the United Kingdom.
- October
SHINJIN Medics establishes the manufacturing factory as well as laboratories to B405 Ilsan-technotown 1141-1 Baeksuk-dong Ilsan-gu Goyang-city Gyeonggi-go, Republic of Korea.
- 05월
경기도 고양시 일산구 백석동 아파트형 공장 분양
- March
SHINJIN Medics is listed as Venture Entrepreneur at Ministry of Small and Medium Business Administration and increased the Paid Capital by about 1.4millon dollors. The company is assigned the Contract for Research and Development of the 4 different kind RIA kits by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. Also, our laboratory develops our first RIA diagnostic kit to screen and monitor tests for Hepatitis, Tumor Markers.
- August
The head office of SHINJIN Medics and Laboratories moved to 830-71 Injung Bldg. Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul.
- June
Our laboratory introduces our first commercial products for Radioimmunoassay (RIA) diagnostic kits, HBsAg, Anti-HBs and AFP, registered as RIAKEY for RIA.
- April
It is assigned the Contract for Research and Development of the 32 different kinds of RIA kits by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
- March
SHINJIN Medics Laboratories is initially founded on 834-20 O&T Bldg. Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul.
- January
The company receives the Certificate for Manufacturing Industry and the License for Handling of Radioisotope.
- March
SHINJIN Medics Inc. is founded on 832-6 Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul.
- April
The company obtains the Business Licenses for Import, Distributor, Wholesales and retails and receives the Special License for the Sales of RIA products.